Friends - The One with a Drinking Game
Drink Every Time:
- Ross is made fun of for being a nerd
- Joey says "How you doin' ?"
- Joey doesn't understand or misinterprets something
- Rachel went shopping
- Phoebe does something quirky
- Scene takes place in Central Perk
- Chandler cracks a joke
- An animal is on screen
- Whenever they take a drink of booze
- Monica is cleaning or cooking
- Reference to Monica's obesity
- Phoebe is playing the guitar
- "We were on a break"
- Live action shot of New York is shown (x2 drinks if the Twin Towers are visible)
- The group is staring at the Ugly Naked Guy
- A famous actor or actress makes an appearance
- Gunther clearly has a crush on Rachel
- "Oh. My. God!" or the Janice laugh
- Ross and Susan have fights or banter back and forth
Finish Your Beer:
- A Friend gets married
- A Friend has sex
- A Friend has to move apartments
- A relative of a Friend passes away
- A Friend is reunited with a lost love / family member
- A Friend has a child
- A Friend gets divorced