Hail, Caesar! Drinking Game
Drink every time:
The words "Hail, Caesar!", "Christ", "Braid Whitlock", "The Future" or "Communism" are said
Someone looks at their watch
Someone sings or dances
A director starts or stops filming (action or cut)
An eagle caws
Eddie takes his hat off or puts his hat on
Eddie takes a phone call
Finish your drink:
When Baird Whitlock meets the "Study Group"
Eddie Confesses his sins... again
Pro Rule:
Anytime a character has to repeat himself
The words "Hail, Caesar!", "Christ", "Braid Whitlock", "The Future" or "Communism" are said
Someone looks at their watch
Someone sings or dances
A director starts or stops filming (action or cut)
An eagle caws
Eddie takes his hat off or puts his hat on
Eddie takes a phone call
Finish your drink:
When Baird Whitlock meets the "Study Group"
Eddie Confesses his sins... again
Pro Rule:
Anytime a character has to repeat himself