Mad Max Trilogy Drinking Game
Mad Max Drinking Game (1979)
Drink every time:
Finish your drink:
- The words "Road" and "Night Rider" are said
- A car is totaled
- Someone laughs maniacally
- A car is started
- An engine or turbo is shown to visualize speed
- Everyone on screen is wearing leather (Must be more than one)
- Birds are shown or referenced
- There is nudity
- Bulging eyes are shown
- Someone dies
Finish your drink:
- When Max's partner catches some serious "heat"
- When someone dies is a freak gasoline incident
Mad Max: The Road Warrior Drinking Game
Drink every time:
- A character has bulging eyes
- Someone points a gun or bow at Mel Gibson
- Someone is hit with an arrow
- Someone is injured by the boomerang
- "walk away" is said
- Feral boy does something bad ass
- A shot is sped up
- Someone dies
- There is a shot through the reticle of a scope
- The gyro-copter is shown
- The compound is defended successfully
- The gyro-copter is shot down
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome Drinking Game
Drink every time:
Finish your drink:
- The word "Thunderdome" is said
- A rule of Thunderdome is said aloud
- Pigs are mentioned or shown
- Horn themed music starts playing
- Loud noise affects Master Blaster
- Max's feet are shown in a low camera angle
- Kid's repeat something
- Quicksand swallows something
- You see a similarity to the movie "Hook"
- Someone in your group mentions how disappointing the middle of this film is for a movie called "Thunderdome"
- At the start of both original songs Tina Turner made for the movie
Finish your drink:
- Master Blaster dies?
- The plane escapes