Super Bowl LI Drinking Game
Game Drinking Game
Drink every time:
Finish your drink:
Take a "Shot"
- There is a wide shot of Houston or the NRG Stadium
- Deflate-gate is mentioned
- Mentions the season of Julio Jones
- Camera cuts to Gronk
- Mention the Falcons have never won a Super Bowl
- There's a first down
- There's a turnover
- There's a scoring play (including extra points)
- There is a lead change
Finish your drink:
- Before the commencement of the halftime show
- When the 2017 Super Bowl Champions are crowned
Take a "Shot"
- When Aaron Hernandez or his trial is mentioned
Halftime Show Drinking Game
Drink every time:
Finish your drink:
- A new performer takes the stage
- Someone asks, "Why is Lady Gaga is performing at the Super Bowl?"
- The word "Firework" is said
- Fireworks go off
- Lady Gaga acknowledges a fan
- Katy Perry changes her wardrobe or removes an article of clothing
- A part of the stage moves
Finish your drink:
- If there is a wardrobe malfunction (fingers crossed)
Super Bowl Commercials Drinking Game
Drink every time:
Finish your drink:
- Overly American car commercial
- Cowboy on screen
- Talking, dancing, singing animal / any instance of anthropomorphism
- Random commercial that has nothing to do with the product
- Go Daddy uses food, sex appeal, or Danica Patrick
- A commercial has a hashtag
- 80's or 90's cultural reference
- Talking baby
- Pepsi or Coke fire shots at each other
- If Detroit tries to convince you they’re not a bankrupt, crime-ridden, pit of despair
Finish your drink:
- Finish your drink if the commercial is advertising a product you are currently consuming