The Man with the Golden Gun (1974) Drinking Game
Overarching Series Rules:
Drink every time:
Movie Specific Rules:
Drink every time:
Finish your drink:
Drink every time:
- The words "007" "Bond, James Bond" "Moneypenny" or a letter representing someone's name is said (e.g. Q or M)
- Bond orders a martini
- Bond plays cards
- Bond smokes
- Bond wears a tuxedo
- Bond drives an exotic car or gets into a car chase
- Bond has sex
- During the opening credit sequence
Movie Specific Rules:
Drink every time:
- The words "Golden Gun", "Scaramanga" or "Nick Nack" are said
- Nick Nack helps with the game or a trap is sprung
- The golden gun is pulled out
- The third nipple is referenced
Finish your drink:
- Bond gets the bullet
- A winner comes out of the maze