The Purge: Election Year
Drink every time:
Special Rules:
Finish your drink:
Hard Mode: Someone says "Purge"
- Someone says "Senator", "NFFA"
- The start of a new day
- A Washington monument is shown
- You suspect someone is excited for the Purge
- You meet a new purging group
- The Senator leaves a safe position / location
- Joe has a new "black man" saying
- Marcos is a crack shot
- You start thinking about what you would do during the Purge
- Someone draws a knife
Special Rules:
- Pick any character --
- Drink every time they kill someone during the purge
- Finish your beer if they die
Finish your drink:
- The house explodes
- Election results come in
Hard Mode: Someone says "Purge"
Enjoy the Purge!