Top 10 Romantic Comedy Drinking Games
The 40 Year Old Virgin
Drink Every Time:
Finish your Drink:
- Andy says or does something nerdy/dorky
- Andy screams
- Andy doesn't feel comfortable doing something
- Andy gets on a bicycle or mentions it
- Andy misses out on a chance to have sex
- Nipple (drink for each one)
- Someone says "gay", "virgin", "sex" aloud
- Intercourse with an animal or object is mentioned
Finish your Drink:
- Someone vomits their daiquiri
- Andy breaks out into a singing and dancing montage
50 First Dates
Drink every time:
Finish your drink:
- There's a new day
- Whenever you see a "Happy Madison" regular
- Drew Barrymore cries
- When you hear "Wouldn't it be Nice"
- When Drew Barrymore forgets something
- When Rob Schneider does something stupid
- Whenever you would have thrown in the towel
Finish your drink:
- When Adam Sandler's video diary saves the relationship
500 Days of Summer
Drink Every Time:
Finish your Drink:
- A new Day number appears on screen
- Summer is wearing or holding the color blue
- Tom writes a new greeting card
- A season is mentioned (Winter, Autumn, Spring, and yes, Summer)
- "Penis" or "Bitch" is said aloud
- Rachel says something very wise
Finish your Drink:
- Tom breaks out into a song and dance number
- Summer is wearing an engagement ring
Along Came Polly
Drink Every Time:
Finish your Drink:
- Reuben has a bad date
- For every button that is undone on Reuben's shirt
- A scene is in the bathroom
- Characters are dancing
- The ferret is on screen
- "Polly" or "Reuben" is said aloud
Finish your Drink:
- Someone "sharted" themselves
- Along comes Lisa
Crazy Stupid Love
Drink every time:
Finish your drink:
- They go to a bar
- Jacob (Ryan Gosling) picks up a girl
- Cal (Steve Carell) messes up a situation that was going well
- The words "Divorce" or "David Lindhagen" is said
- Jacob offers dating advice
- Someone drinks on screen
- Someone cries
- Hannah (Emma Stone) is upset
Finish your drink:
- Jacob meets Hannah
- A backyard brawl breaks out
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Drink every time:
Finish your drink:
- There is male nudity
- Someone eats or drinks
- Peter (Jason Segel) cries
- Peter plays the piano
- Sarah Marshal is on television
- Kunu gives advice
- The word's "Sarah" or "Marshal" are said
- A wide shot of Hawaiian landscape is shown
- There is a vampire reference (voice included)
Finish your drink:
- Peter takes the photo
- Peter performs his musical
Pretty Woman
Drink every time:
Finish your drink:
- Vivian is barefoot
- Edward does something romantic for Vivian
- Vivian has a hard time adjusting or does not fit into the wealthy elite lifestyle
- Money is exchanged
- Vivian applies makeup
- Vivian changes clothes
- Edward doesn't take advantage of his many luxuries due to a limitation (personal or psychological)
- Edward acts like a sympathetic bigot, he means well but comes off as pretentious
Finish your drink:
- Someone finds out who Vivian really is
- And they lived happily ever after
The Princess Bride
Drink every time:
Start a waterfall:
Finish your drink:
- "True Love" "As you wish" "Inconceivable" or "Wing (Ring)" are said
- Inigo informs someone of his fathers fate
- Westley can't control his limbs in a comical fashion
- Someone dies
- Fred Savage is shown
- Fezzik's (Andre the Giant) size is referenced
Start a waterfall:
- A sword fight breaks out
Finish your drink:
- The grandfather finishes reading the story
When Harry Met Sally
Drink every time:
Take 5 drinks every time:
Finish your drink:
- Someone’s relationship status is mentioned or changes
- An interview segment is shown
- The trip to New York is referenced
- Sex is referenced
- Harry or Sally’s former spouses are mentioned
- Someone is on the phone
Take 5 drinks every time:
- Time jumps forward five years
Finish your drink:
- Every time Harry “Meets” Sally
- When you’ll have what she’s having
You've Got Mail
Drink every time:
Finish your drink:
- The word "Fox" is said or spelled aloud
- Kathleen Kelly's name is said in full
- "Around the Corner" "You've Got Mail" or "Brinkley" is said
- A typewriter of Frank's is shown
- Dave Chappelle's character (Kevin) acts as the quirky black friend
- A different generation of "Fox" is shown on screen or referenced other than Joe
- There is a voice-over
- Joe or Kathleen's AOL screen name is said aloud (Shopgirl or NY152)
- Joe Fox says uses an analogy that's clever or insightful
- Kathleen Kelly uses an analogy that cute
Finish your drink:
- When Joe Fox and Kathleen Kelly meet online for the first time
- When she wanted it to be him... She wanted it to be him so badly